Meet the team

Claude Ostyn

Founder & Managing Director

Claude Ostyn is the AV veteran, who has been working for companies like Barco, VER, Revolution Display, ROE Visual, … He has worked on splendid shows for Katy Perry, Coldplay, and U2, as well as high-end projects like the Glowmotion LED wristbands.

And it’s his in-the-trenches experience with supporting high-end and demanding shows, productions and shows, that sparked the idea for SpectralBot.

Nathan Segers

Co-Founder & Technical Architect

Nathan Segers is a lector at the HOWEST university college in Kortrijk (Belgium), teaching artificial intelligence and extended reality to bachelors in computer sciences.

Nathan is the architect of the SpectralBot platform, and focuses on the research of new technologies that we implement in our platform.

Thomas Van Iseghem

AR / AI Developer

Carmino Deschuijmere

Web Developer

Jonas Van Slambrouck

AR Developer